Patient & Carer


We are asking everyone who lives with CML or supports someone who does to share their stories with us and participate in the global campaign. CML deserves a spotlight, so let your voice be heard!

Sindy Yang

Sindy Yang

My Journey with CML : 15 years of CML patient. In 2009, I was diagnosed with CML and changed my...

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Juliet Nwaiwu

Juliet Nwaiwu

I am one of the survival. I am very grateful to Almighty God and the Maxcare Foundation, Doctors...

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HOPE Hold On Pain Ends Almost 4 years since my diagnosis and living in medical remission. I have...

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Hanne Gerges

Hanne Gerges

From despair to hope I am a 76 years CLM patient since January 2011! Live in DK and have had ups...

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Amber Noden

Amber Noden

We are Stronger Together It's hard to believe that it's been 7 years since my CML diagnosis (Feb....

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Sindy Yang

Sindy Yang

My Journey with CML, A Story of Resilience and Transformation - CML : a new beginning I was...

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Mar Martinez

Mar Martinez

LA VIDA NO ACABA CON UN DIAGNOSTICO A veces la vida te sorprende, en ocasiones con  gratas...

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Pedro Casas

Pedro Casas

Hace 8 años me diagnosticaron LMC, aunque fue impactante con ayuda de la familia entendí que las...

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Radu Ianovici

Radu Ianovici

Because it is important to get involved, because it is absolutely necessary to help each other! I...

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Magda K

Magda K

New life It started with chronic fatigue and abnormal blood test results. Now I've been on...

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Najha Johari

Najha Johari

What 22/9 Means to me Hi everyone, My name is Najha Johari, I'm from Malaysia. I'm CML Patient...

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Jenny Borst

Jenny Borst

Passende zorg CML Diagnose gekregen in 2016. Gezien de goede resultaten van de medicijnen kon ik...

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I love life, it's so beautiful! Dear members and friends of SPBS - another story is ahead of us;...

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Depla Diederik

Depla Diederik

Sport is a good! I enjoy cycling, but beginning of 2020 it became more difficult to reach the same...

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Kazem Muhammad

Kazem Muhammad

محارب سرطان الدم مصاب بمرض ابيضاض الدم النقياني المزمن من عام 2007 واتمنى الشفاء لحميع المرضى في...

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Jan Geissler

Jan Geissler

Raise your cups! Today is 9/22, World CML Day. We unite every year on 22 September because for...

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Toni Montserrat

Toni Montserrat

When I was diagnosed with CML, I felt scared, worried about my family’s future but surprisingly,...

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Make your voice heard


Share your story
If you are living with CML  or supports someone who does, share your/their stories with us and participate in the global campaign. CML deserves a spotlight, so let your voice be heard!