by Marija Doneva | Jul 31, 2024 | Thailand
A CML Survivor becomes Patient Advocate My name is Pasusant Wattanaboonya , 61 years old, married without kids. I was diagnosed with chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) at 35 years old. My mental health got worse due to the stress of the symptoms and the family financial...
by Marija Doneva | Sep 19, 2023 | United States
We Don’t Get to Ring the Bell: My CML Story Anne McAuley Lopez thought life was pretty great. She was running her own professional writing business and starting a life with the man of her dreams. Then a simple blood test revealed more than she expected....
by Marija Doneva | Aug 25, 2023 | Belgium
Sport is a good! I enjoy cycling, but beginning of 2020 it became more difficult to reach the same power. In June of 2020 CML was diagnosed. Now with the correct medication I reached a deep molecular response MR5. Nevertheless, the daily medication is a reminder of...
by Marija Doneva | Aug 22, 2023 | Italy
VIVERE SEMPRE Ciao a tutti, ho quasi 57 anni e dal Maggio 2020 ho scoperto di avere la LMC. Per fortuna la cura con Imatinib funziona e svolgo una vita normale. Continuo ad andare in bici come faccio da quando avevo 40 anni. Quest’anno cercherò di difendere...
by Marija Doneva | Aug 22, 2023 | Nederland
Wereldwijd aandacht voor CML blijft belangrijk! Door de ontwikkelingen afgelopen decennia overleven steeds meer mensen met CML. Bijwerkingen zijn een van de grotere uitdagingen. Willen we voor iedereen met CML een aanvaardbaar en kwalitatief goed leven? Dan is en...